Saturday, December 18, 2010

Drummer Boy

This is Drummer with Zaq.  Drummer is three years old.  He is a gift of the most amazing magnitude who has come to be part of our family.

I told a friend in Bible Study Fellowship that we were looking for an adult Bernese that needed a new home.  She shows German Shorthair Pointers, so I didn't hold out a lot of hope for any referrals from her.  However, she told us about a dog show where many Bernese were entered to compete; and we attended that show.

We met a lot of wonderful dogs and a few promising breeders.  But we're not in a season where we can raise a puppy just now.  Among those breeders, however, was a woman who said she had a 3-year old male that needed a new home.  She invited us to come visit her, and we did - just one week later.

We brought Zaq with us so that she could see how we took care of him and observe his behavior.  We met Drummer and probably spent four hours visiting with her and taking the boys for a test walk together.  Everyone forgot that lunch should have happened at some point.  We were that focused on the dogs.  We decided that we'd like to try a week with Drummer at home and make sure that everything went well with Zaq and our routines.  The breeder loaned us a kennel and a few other things and we piled in the car and went home.

The first night, we hauled that huge kennel up to the walk-in closet in our room - a place where Zaq will hide when there is a scary thunderstorm or fireworks.  It's small enough to feel safe, but open to our bedroom.  Drummer slept in his kennel and Zaq on the bed - a huge treat for him.

Just a side note here.  It's not really part of the story, but Zaq is a bed hog.  He kicks and pushes (only half aware) and sprawls on his back.  Our bed bed barely held the three of us!

After a couple nights of that, we transitioned the boys back to the downstairs; and they did just fine.  Drummer had a kennel if he needed to feel secure.  Zaq had his bed and a "blanky" to cuddle up with.

One week later, we journeyed back up to the breeders home and told her that we wanted to keep Drummer. She had grieved letting him go, but that was simply her situation.  She felt comfortable that he was going to a good home; and she made sure that we were all set up with information on his food and supplements routine.

So now he is home.  Drummer is a cuddlebug - perhaps more than Buster ever was.  He still hasn't got the concept of dog beds here at home, but we'll work on that.  He came to us not knowing simple commands like sit, down or stay, but he is learning quickly.

And I am learning how much my heart can expand to love another.  I think I will always miss Buster.  He was more than just a special dog - he was really our furry child.  And he had the heart of a lion - big and bold and unafraid to love.  He gave everything and lived as much as he could.  How can I not miss that?

But just as I miss Buster - even when my heart swells up and I feel on the edge of tears - I feel the weight of Drummer at my side.  I think he understands, in a hazy canine sort of way.  I think God knew when he created Drummer that this boy needed to be a comfort.  If there was ever a family that needed a Bernese lapdop, we are it - and that is Drummer "to a T."

So this is Drummer.  He is three.

Life goes on... and on

I wrote the post below on November 3rd, on maybe four hours of sleep.  Tired, overly emotional, but sincere.  Just posting it today.

We are recovering, albeit slowly, from losing Buster.  I think I'm just fine, we talk about getting another adult dog or even a puppy, then I read that last blog post.  The tears are still there.  I still miss Buster when I hike to the river with Zaq.  I miss him when I kayak alone down a gentle river.  I miss his funny face and how he drooled all over himself and everyone else when food was around.

But we are moving forward.  We went to a dog show last Saturday.  We took Zaq, but didn't realize he would be allowed to come in, though not competing.  We met some very nice folks and some wonderful dogs.  We are going to go see an adult dog who needs another home this weekend.  I don't know what to think or how to feel.  

I suspect that this is one of those circumstances when your heart grows bigger than you thought it could.  When you think, "I can't replace him!"  And then you begin to see the edge of the experience the way it might be.  That maybe your heart can still love and miss and want to kiss the one who is gone AND love and kiss the ones who are here.

It was a big night for me last night, but that's another blog altogether.  I'm tired and a little bit emotional... okay, I'm crying as I write this. But I was inspired by someone else who had a big night.  In the middle of one of the most notable successes of her life, she recognized that she is still the same person to her dog.  This is truth.

Here's what she shared with me and others.  I've got to share it with you.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

So long, sweetheart

It's been a while since I've posted. Between work and personal stuff, it's been a busy time. And I guess I haven't had anything I just had to say. But now I do.

We had to say goodbye to our precious, magnificent Buster about a week and half ago. He wasn't feeling so good, but we thought he'd stay with us for a while yet. One evening, our younger dog, Zaq, woke us up to a very sick Buster. We quickly learned that he had a number of medical crises at the same time; and wouldn't have survived the first treatment needed to save his life. Our decision was clear.

We brought Zaq with us to visit with Buster as we said goodbye and prayed him back to Jesus. If our Lord knows when a sparrow falls, He surely knew what a blessing Buster was to Mark and I - and surely, Buster has his great head on our Lord's knee this very moment.

I miss him - today especially. It used to be that I'd take both Zaq and Buster on a long hike to the dog beach at the river once or twice a weekend. Now, it's just Zaq and me on those hikes. We're both adjusting, but we both still miss Buster. So does Mark. During the last year of Buster's life, they were almost constant companions. Buster was an office dog from the first weeks of his life right up until his last day.

Buster's real name was Robusto e dolce. Strong and sweet, the way I like espresso. He was the biggest dog we'd ever had (still). For a Bernese, he was very tall. Let me put it this way - the bottom of his chin easily cleared the dining room table. Since Buster had a true fascination with "people food," we ended up training him to lay at our feet during meals. What a good boy. He'd sit there, drooling all over the beautiful white ruff on his chest, trusting that there would be some scrap for him. Of course, there almost always was.
Buster loved the beach.  Even in his older years, he'd race Zaq.  Here he is, winning the last race to get to Daddy (and treats) first.  He probably paid for it the next day, but I'll bet it was worth it to him, just to beat Zaq.  

I remember that day.  

Good dog.